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Exclusive membership offer – One Year FREE subscriptions for both Modern Painters and Art+Auction leading international art magazines, saving you £40!!
Modern Painters is a monthly art magazine that includes profiles on two international artists per issue, columns by international contributors, interviews with and articles by contemporary artists and curators, information on exhibitions, books, performances, biennales and festivals.
Modern Painters is the ultimate international source for analysis of contemporary art and culture. It features an excellent mix of painting and sculpture to photography, film, architecture, books, design, and performance. It not only reports on, but helps to define and shape, important events and trends in the art and cultural worlds.
Magazine content is full of artwork by some of the most exciting talents working today, much of it previously unseen. The writing-by some of the best known voices inside and outside of the art world is fresh, incisive, and above all accessible.
Modern Painters provides a visually dynamic and empathetic voice to both readers steeped in the art world and those just entering it. Enjoy One Year FREE Subscription for both Modern Painters and Art+Auction and our other offers on membership pages that include complimentary and VIP tickets to many UK art events all year around.